Sellstrom was my great grandfather. Sometime after 1877
he left Scotland and arrived in South Australia where he
worked as a Sailmaker, where he met Jane Mansfield nee Reed
and they resided in the village settlement at Gilles Street,
Jane and Sven married 28 November 1883 at the minister's
residence Hurtle Square Adelaide, in the presence of Hugh
Handley, occupation: bootmaker, residence: Nelson Street,
Adelaide and Amelia Hubbard, occupation: dressmaker, residence:
Surflin Street, Adelaide.
Sometime after the birth of their son Andrew, Jane found
out that Sven was already married to Jane Watt in Scotland
15 August 1864 Falkirk, Stirling, Scotland. and sent him
packing. His reply was that he had been separated from his
first wife for over 5 years. Jane replied "things are
not done like that here" The last she heard from him
was a letter he sent from Melbourne offering to send money
for Andrew.
Andy grew up using the surname Mansfield, the same as his
older siblings. But he still kept in contact with his Sellstrom
cousins in Scotland, and even now the two families are in
contact. I have the Sellstrom family tree back to 1698,
thought there are some pieces to the jigsaw that are missing.
If you have any connections to the name Sellstrom please
contact me.
Updated 4th Sept 2005
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