Sibly Rumball was the 3rd husband to my great grandmother
Jane Reed. Harry's parents were John Rumball and Mary Elizabeth
nee Martin, both
born in Maidenhead Berkinshire, England and married in Government
House, St
Mary's Island, River Gambia Settlement, West Africa. John
and Mary Rumball returned to England and then traveled to
Jamaica, West Indies where they had a tea plantation. Then
to New York USA where John helped his brother build a railway.
They arrived in Victoria, Australia before finally settling
in South Australia. John Rumball was the superintendent
of SA first railway from Goolwa to Pt Elliott and the second
station master to be appointed to Burra, he retired in 1894.
Most of the Rumballs that are in Australia today are descended
from this
Rumball was a relieving postmaster so traveled to where
there was a
position but instead of running the post office he would
go off shooting
and fishing. Harry's first wife Bertha Fuss died leaving
him 4 young
children. Jane and Harry had 4 more children. Together with
the 5 she had
from her marriages to Charles Mansfield and Sven Sellstrom
this made a very
large family though some of the older ones were able to
support themselves
by now. However, these siblings all spent time together
and there was a lot of
good times shared many of these on Kangaroo Island.
1st permanent settlers to South Australia arrived on Kangaroo
Island in 1836. Aboard the Duke of York, the Lady Mary Pelham
& the John Pirie. One of the descendants of William
Holmes HAMILTON, a seaman and his wife Charlotte nee LAKER,
who arrived at Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island on the Duke of
York 27 July 1836 married into the Rumball family. Bert
Boxer married Ida Rumball. I have photos of their children
taken with the children and grandchildren of Jane Reed.
My uncle also remembers going to the Boxer farm on Kangaroo
Island to go shooting.
you have any connections to the name Rumball please contact
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